With All Saints Sunday this Sunday and Reformation last Sunday, I recall that it is said that Martin Luther once said to his dog, “Growl not little one, for in the resurrection you will have a golden tail.” It does not surprise any of us with furry angels to entertain that notion that they too will be in the Church Triumphant.
I learned from my dog that it is good to remember; to never forget those who touched our lives.
An old routine revisited
Nightly I turn on the porch light
And go outside…
A necessary routine before
A remembrance ritual now
Reenacting a special time
Taken for granted then
But now a hope that there might appear
In the shadows
A little white dog
Who always before Made his presence known
Back thru the door each night
Alone… accompanied only
By a tear of loss and a smile
Of memories
I never want to forget
So will this ritual soon end?
Maybe not
Maybe it should
For it is a blessed remembrance
Of one who
Without a word
Said so much
Reminding each day
That there is nothing
Absolutely… nothing
That we have in this life
Like each other
Relationships are
All that matter
I picture his golden tail
Affirming that
Well lived truth